
What are synthetic Gems ?

Some of the natural gems like ruby, sapphire, emerald, and diamond are synthesized in the laboratories and manufactured by simulating the natural ones. Though these synthetics have a various industrial and scientific application, the problem arises when these are passed on as naturals.

MGTL makes special efforts discriminate naturals from the synthetics.

Natural Gem Characteristics

Apatite Crystals inclusion in natural Ruby

Feather inclusion in natural blue sapphire

Primary two-and three phase fluid inclusions

As dark mineral inclusions,

chromite inclusions are generally considered to be "carbon spots" by the trade.

Synthetic Gem Characteristics

The Flame-fusion synthetic Ruby

This inclusion is a result of de-vitrification of man-made blue glass which can be mistaken for natural inclusion

Primary two-and three phase fluid inclusions

Hydrothermal syntheti emerald shows growth zoning and contains a secondary fluid inclusion fingerprint.

What is a gemstone?


A gemstone is a natural mineral, rock or organic matter that can be cut & polished for use as ornaments. A gemstone. A gemstone has properties like

  • Beauty(color,brilliance,proper cut and polish
  • Durability (to withstand wear and tear)
  • Rarity (rare in nature)

All the above three qualities of a gem, either together or in part decide its preciousness and the price, Diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald, alexandrite, opal, etc are examples of some of the precious gemstones. A gem is a gemstone that has been cut & polished.

Why gemstones?

  • Essential  component of ornaments and jewellery: signifies pride & valour: love & passion
  • Scientific & industrial applications (synthesis,optics,industries,etc)
  • Mystical and magical power (astrology)
  • Source of revenue (high-value assets)
  • Collectors’ item

Why is gemstone testing necessary?


These days, many objects produced by nature may be reproduced by man. Some of these simply look the same – cubic zirconia, for instance, looks similar to a real diamond but other objects display identical chemical compositions and physical properties to those of their natural counterparts, such as man-made CVD (chemical vapor deposition)diamonds. That is why it is so important to test for identity and authenticity.


It is equal importance took know whether or not a stone has been modified from its natural state, for example by using chemical treatment to enhance its color or other characteristics. Modern gemstone treatments are becoming more and more sophisticated and subtle, and thus increasingly difficult to detect. The common layman will not be familiar with these treatments, so it is our moral responsibility to stay on top of these trends., keep our clients informed and thest their gemstones accordingly so they may have confidence in their respective jewel.


Move over jewellery manufactures and retailers can guarantee their best value with certification of the products by an independents laboratory and jewelry buyers want to make an informed purchase decision and certification gives them maximum value and security for their investment.


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