Green Onyx, commonly known as Sulemani in Hindi, is a green colored semi-precious astrological gemstone associated with Mercury (Buddha) planet. Green Onyx has immeasurable benefits including financial, educational and medical success.
Green Onyx Stone Product Specifications :-
Green onyx commonly known as Sulemani is basically a Quartz mineral species gemstone which comes in green colour.
Green Onyx Product Properties :-
Chemical Composition :- SiO2 (Silicon dioxide)
Crystal System :- Trigonal
Crystal Habit :- Aggregate
Cause of colour :- Chromium
Hardness :- 7 on Moh’s scale
Specific Gravity :- 2.58-2.62(Chalcedony)
Refractive Index :- 1.530 – 1.539 (mean 1.53)
Inclusions:- Bands, moss-like, fibres.
Origin :– India, Brazil, USA, Africa, Sri Lanka, Australia