
Diamond is the gemstone which represents planet Venus. Venus is the god of love, desire, beauty, pleasure, luxury, prestige, etc. Diamond (also known as Heera/हीरा in Hindi) has graced every middle/Ring finger whatever or however grand be the occasion irrespective of status or strata of its owner. Venus, the planet of feminine beauty, is represented by a diamond, hence best suited to Taurus (वृष) and Libra (तुला). It is believed that Venus helps bring financial success, romance in one’s life, helps maintain a fit body, and the sensuality of a person. In the body, he commands the reproductive system, kidneys, eyes, throat, and cheeks. People who want to build a career in literature, music, and secret sciences should wear this for desired results.
Diamond Stone benefits:-
The most important benefit of Diamond is to get success in financial, relationship matters. It can be used to acquire desired love, prestige and fame.
Diamond is beneficial for people suffering from sexual disorders, sperm problems, infertility, impotence, bowel diseases etc.
It also helps people who are having issues in their eyes, stomach or suffering from constipation etc.
Venus’ sensual power strongly influences people who are involved in the entertainment business such as artists, singers, dancers, and artisans etc., so they are highly recommended to wear a diamond.
If once wears diamond jewellery, it can help them in maintaining a happy marriage and holding material comforts.
When Venus is happy, one will be compassionate, long-lived and possess many other useful characteristics.
Indigo is the cosmic colour transmitted by diamonds and other colourless gems which controls all watery elements in the body.